
AFreeDesktopcustomizationprogramforWindows.7-ZipThemeManagerisahelpful,freesoftwareonlyavailableforWindows,beingpartofthecategoryDesktop ...,Manageallyourskins,themes,wallpapers,icons,etc.fromasingleinterface.Youcanevenmixandmatchthemtogethertocreateyourownthemefiles!,Thisapplicationisyouridealcompaniontopersonalizeyourexperiencewithanewbeautifulpictureforyourwallpaperand/oryourlockscreeneachd...

7-Zip Theme Manager

A Free Desktop customization program for Windows. 7-Zip Theme Manager is a helpful, free software only available for Windows, being part of the category Desktop ...

Control your desktop experience with Theme Manager

Manage all your skins, themes, wallpapers, icons, etc. from a single interface. You can even mix and match them together to create your own theme files!

Dynamic Theme

This application is your ideal companion to personalize your experience with a new beautiful picture for your wallpaper and/or your lock screen each day.

Theme Manager

The program version is 2.3 and it has been updated on 8/09/2006. Theme Manager is available for users with the operating system Windows 98 and previous versions ...

Theme Manager

2018年6月7日 — Download Theme Manager (2024) for Windows PC from SoftFamous. 100% Safe and Secure. Free Download (64-bit / 32-bit).

Theme Manager by Stardock

You can uninstall Theme Manager from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel. On the Start menu (for Windows 8 ...

Windows 8 Theme (Windows)

Windows 8 Theme will give you the opportunity to show off your operating system savvy on your desktop for everyone else to see. The graphics in Windows 8 Theme ...